By Jelani Thompson
My life changed drastically after Covid-19 struck. Schooling as knew it quickly became a thing of the past. I was forced to adjust to remote learning which meant that I could no longer interact with my peers, classmates or my teacher face to face. Instead, I was stuck at home in front of a device, (I pad, laptop or desktop) in order to access my learning material and interact with my class.
Unlike my peers, I found the transition to remote learning to be very easy. The change was also beneficial to me. Beneficial, because I had the unique opportunity of assisting my peers with their schoolwork. As I reviewed my classmates’ work, I got an opportunity to identify areas of deficiency which forced me to revise these areas with them in its entirety sometimes to reinforce and other times to remediate their knowledge of the concept. This process helped to keep them and me abreast with our class work. Prior to remote learning my work habits were not always to the optimum and I did not pay attention to my emails. However, in order to assist my peers, I was forced to be more attentive to both my schoolwork and my emails.
I must commend my teachers because they are spending more time on the material in remote learning versus a classroom setting; where there would have been a lot of distraction. In conclusion, I believe remote learning should be included in school life as it can give all students an opportunity to learn, regardless of circumstance like early vacations, sickness etc.